Forehead and eyebrow lifting is a surgical procedure to reposition and re-contour heavy eyebrows. Moreover, a low eyebrow position can contribute to the appearance of excess skin on the eyelids. Eyebrows may be returned to their natural, youthful position with a technique known as endoscopic forehead and brow lifting. As the eyelids often have age related changes in conjunction with drooping of the eyebrows, cosmetic eyelid surgery is often performed at the time of endoscopic forehead and brow lifting to produce the best cosmetic results.
The Cosmetic Treatment for Drooping Eyebrows and Eyelids
Drooping of the eyebrows can push extra tissue into the upper eyelid, accentuating the appearance of excess eyelid tissue. As one attempts to compensate for this condition by elevating the forehead, deep lines and even headaches may develop.
Many patients who present with complaints about the appearance of their upper eyelids are surprised when Dr. Biesman recommends brow lift surgery—why treat the brows when it’s the eyelids that are drooping? When the upper eyelids appear heavy as a result of sagging eyebrows pushing skin into the eyelids, simply performing eyelid surgery will only serve to pull the brows down further. In this situation, the eyebrows must be elevated to restore the eyelids to a more youthful appearance.
When Forehead and Eyebrow Surgery Isn’t the Best Option
On the other hand, eyebrow and forehead surgery is not always advisable. Patients with very high foreheads or thin hair may not be the best candidates for endoscopic forehead and brow lifting. Likewise, if the eyebrows are not lower than they had been previously, elevating them will only serve to change one’s appearance rather than producing a more youthful look. How do you know if your eyebrows are lower than they used to be? The best way is to study old photographs. Begin with a high school graduation photograph, and then look at one photograph per decade. It is a good idea to bring old photographs to review with Dr. Biesman prior to making a decision about whether to pursue eyelid surgery, eyebrow surgery or both.
How the Procedure Works
Endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lift surgery is performed as outpatient surgery, meaning that an overnight hospital stay is not required. The procedure uses tiny telescopes, introduced through small incisions hidden behind the hairline, to lift and re-contour the eyebrows. It is not necessary to shave the hair when performing endoscopic forehead and brow lifting. While the procedure takes about an hour to perform, you should plan on being at the surgery center for approximately three to four hours to allow preparation before surgery and recovery from anesthesia.
What to Expect after Treatment
As the procedure’s incisions are hidden behind the hairline, visible scarring is rare. Most patients have mild discomfort after forehead and brow lifting, and experience a headache for the first few days after surgery. The amount of bruising and swelling is variable with some patients experiencing very little while others may have visible bruising for several weeks.