Non-surgical rhinoplasty refers to the use of soft tissue fillers to re-contour the nose. Fillers can smooth the appearance of an unwanted “hump”, elevate the tip of the nose, fill in depressions that occur naturally or because of trauma or surgery, make a crooked nose appear straight, and even to make a wide nose appear thinner!
About Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
Non-surgical rhinoplasty is performed in the office without anesthesia or sedation. There is no special preparation before the procedure, although Dr. Biesman recommends avoiding the use of aspirin or other blood thinners for at least a week in advance. Non-surgical rhinoplasty does not take long to complete and results are visible immediately. There is always some swelling after the procedure that typically requires a few days up to 2 weeks to resolve. There are no activity restrictions after non-surgical rhinoplasty, although we recommend that patients avoid applying makeup on the nose or exercising the remainder of the treatment day.
The importance of a seeing a highly experienced injector
As is true of any procedure, there are risks associated with non-surgical rhinoplasty. With any type of injection, bruising and swelling can occur following treatment and resolve without incident. The most serious potential complication is injection of filler into a blood vessel, an event that can lead to serious injury and, rarely, even blindness or stroke. It is EXTREMELY important to be treated by a highly experienced injector who is very familiar with the anatomy of the nose and its blood supply when pursuing a non-surgical rhinoplasty. When performed by a qualified specialist, nonsurgical rhinoplasty is an extremely effective and safe way to produce improvements that otherwise could only be accomplished with surgical techniques.