Dr. Biesman is closely monitoring the latest developments surrounding COVID-19. We have implemented numerous precautions to ensure that our office will remain a safe place for you to receive treatment and to help limit the spread of COVID-19 within our communities.
To minimize exposure to our patients and staff, we will be asking all patients and visitors screening questions prior to and at the time of their arrival at the practice to help identify those who are at risk of COVID-19.
If you suspect that you have been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days or are experiencing symptoms to include:
- fever 100.4 or above
- new or worsening cough
- shortness of breath
- chills, repeated shaking with chills
- sore throat
- new or worse-than-normal cough
- new loss of taste or smell
- GI symptoms
please call your physician’s office and inform them of your potential contact and/or symptoms prior to coming to the practice.
Patients may bring a visitor with them to their appointment if it is necessary for their care. (caretaker, driver, parent if the patient is a minor, or translator). No patient, visitor, support or caregiver role will be allowed into our office if they have fever, cough, sore throat, or other flu-like symptoms or if they have had contact with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient in the past 14 days.
We respectfully ask that all patients and others entering our office wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth. Our safety protocol also requires that all patients utilize the provided hand sanitizer at check in or wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds upon entering the examination room. For your convenience, each examination room has a sink.
During this very challenging time, we want to reassure you that our office is actively working to protect the health of our patients and staff as we address the COVID-19 situation. We thank you in advance for your adherence to these guidelines as we work to navigate this rapidly evolving situation.
For more information on Covid-19 Vaccinations and Soft Tissue Fillers