Best Body Contouring and Cellulite Treatments Approved by Dr. Biesman
Posted October 13, 2021Most people have a place on their body that leads them to feel self-conscious. This may be an area of excess fat, sagging skin, or cellulite dimples. While there are a number of treatments available to address these concerns, not all treatments are created equal; to identify the safest, most effective procedure, and best body […]

Signs You May Need Eyelid Revision Surgery
Posted October 13, 2021Eyelid surgery is precise, exacting work, and requires the eyelid surgeon to have both a skilled hand and an eye for aesthetics. Given the delicacy of eyelid procedures, it’s no surprise that some patients experience results that fall short of their expectations, requiring a second procedure, also known as an eyelid revision surgery, to achieve […]