Jawline Contouring and Slimming: Jawline Filler or Jawline Botox?

HomeBlogJawline Contouring and Slimming: Jawline Filler or Jawline Botox?

Over time, many men and women become dissatisfied with the appearance of their jawline.
Sometimes, the problem is that they lose some of their jawline’s definition. In other cases, the
appearance of saggy skin, or “jowling,” can result in a facial appearance that is less trim and

For patients who feel like their facial appearance is compromised by problems with the jawline,
a number of non-surgical solutions are available. Dr. Biesman sees many patients who wish to
improve their jawline aesthetics, and generally recommends either the use of a jawline filler or
jawline Botox.

But what’s the difference between these two treatment options? And which injectable
treatment is right for you, a jawline filler or jawline Botox? The best way to find out is to meet
with Dr. Biesman, who will carefully evaluate your facial appearance and recommend
treatment based on his clinical expertise.

Understanding the Options for Jawline Contouring

As you prepare to meet with Dr. Biesman, it may be helpful to have a little more background
about each of these treatment options, and what to expect from each one.

The Uses of Jawline Fillers

Jawline fillers are really just soft tissue fillers, and usually can be used elsewhere on the body,
as well. Crucially, this does not mean that all soft tissue fillers can be used along the jawline.
Effective jawline fillers must be relatively strong fillers, like those that might be used to contour
the cheek or the chin. These fillers need to be strong because they bring greater definition to
the jawline.

Another use of fillers in this area is not just to contour along the jawline. By injecting fillers at
the back of the jawline, it is possible to achieve a lift. This is a neat way to correct some of the
sagging that happens along the jowls.

To recap, then, jawline fillers can do a few different things. They can provide a contouring
effect, creating a jawline that appears stronger. In making a jawline stronger, fillers can offer a
more distinct transition from the cheek to the neck. And, fillers can give lift to the jawline.

In many to most cases, Dr. Biesman injects along the jawline for contouring and definition; at
the back of the jawline to achieve lift; and at the point where the cheek transitions to the chin,
helping to camouflage sagging jowls.

What About Jawline Botox?
Alternatively, consider the uses of jawline Botox.

Botox injections are used in the jawline when the angle of the jaw begins to appear somewhat
blunted. By using Botox along the upper part of the neck and the jawline, Dr. Biesman can
furnish patients with contouring and even a little bit of lifting to the neck. Botox is typically used
to address problems of definition, not problems of lost volume.

The Differences Between Jawline Fillers vs. Jawline Botox

Though these injectable treatments are not necessarily mutually exclusive, most patients need
either Botox or filler along the jawline. Occasionally, a patient may actually benefit from both.

Fillers are used when the jawline contour has been lost, either due to bony erosion or weight
gain, resulting in the neck and jaw becoming indistinct in their transition. Jawline fillers may
also be used when patients want to get a noticeable lift at the back of the jawline.

If someone has a fairly well-defined jawline that is becoming increasingly blunt, and they have
very strong neck muscles that pull along the jawline and blunt it further, that’s when Botox is
likely to be more helpful. Patients in this category typically do not need volume added to the
jawline, which is what a dermal filler would do. These patients simply need better definition.

Considering the Risks of Jawline Filler and Jawline Botox

There are very few side effects to be expected from either of these treatments. Many patients
will experience some mild bruising, which is a common side effect of any kind of injectable.
Additionally, patients who get fillers will often experience some soreness along the jawline. This
is usually not an issue with Botox.

Ultimately, when administered by a skilled clinician, both of these treatments have very little in
the way of side effects. They are safe options to achieve the desired jawline contouring results.

Deciding Between a Jawline Filler or Jawline Botox

Many patients are aware of the importance of jawline aesthetics to their overall appearance,
and wish to know more about the options available to address jowling, sagging, lack of
definition, and related concerns.

The good news is that there are non-surgical options available, including both jawline fillers and
jawline Botox. When you join Dr. Biesman for a consultation, he will evaluate your jawline and
neck, listen to your aesthetic goals, and let you know which of these treatments is the best
option for achieving your objectives.

What to Expect from Jawline Fillers or Jawline Botox

As you consider having a non-surgical jawline contouring procedure, it’s only natural to wonder
what kind of results you can expect, and how long those results will last.

Simply put, patients who see Dr. Biesman for either of these procedures can expect better
definition of the jawline; minimization of the appearance of jowling; and a more distinct
transition from the cheek to the neck.

Jawline Botox tends to last for about three or four months, much like it does in other areas of
the face. Jawline fillers, on the other hand, typically last a year or more.

Achieve the Defined Jawline You’ve Always Wanted

The aesthetics of your jawline can make a big impact on your overall facial appearance. And
thankfully, there are non-surgical options available to correct common issues like jowling and
lost definition.

The best way to pursue a defined jawline is to meet with Dr. Biesman, who has over 25 years of
expertise treating patients with fillers and Botox. Dr. Biesman will determine the treatment
option that’s best for you. To schedule an appointment, contact our office at your next

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